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97195d THV! walt
96c78c "Look who`s talking, the man without a weapon... Shut up before this gets worse..."
842b2e hi foxlya, you ok?)
c0ddcf Bloxtale Noob
d8d976 Sure Adam -Foxlya
96c78c "Get out of my way... before I shred you to pieces..."
378a4c Dust Ink Sans Sprite Edit By Casualteam
97195d THV! walt
97195d THV! walt
96c78c *A pain goes through his body* "Hhhnnggggnnh"
97195d THV! walt
2b9834 (save)---sans/shadow
96c78c *He looks up* "Its my job, dimwit, maybe you should get one!"
128373 just a ink sans head
96c78c "Oi, mate, who do you think you are, blocking the way."
96c78c " . . . "
96c78c *He came up to a bridge, where someone was standing in-front of it* . . .
842b2e bye alex)
816c53 gtg
96c78c Alex, stfu, that was only once, and it was a weird situation, so your point is invalid.
842b2e sorry, havent)*under a tree reading*
378a4c Dust Ink Sans Sprite Edit By Casualteam
2b9834 (wip how it look)---sans/shadow
816c53 He has done terrible things
816c53 Alex- by now atleast i know CT should never be in charge of RP
96c78c *Drags his axe behind him, trudging through a forest*
583245 -Terrie.L32_1-12-12-1-14.RAW_PNG.EXE Has crashed thanks to Pathfinder-
816c53 Alex- oh its nintendo switch person
842b2e i no karm, i be switch)
a53442 yeah, whenever I name robot I just type a bunch of random numbers and letters. -Pathfinder
583245 -Sarcastically joking- Who the FUCK, looks like Karma?...
816c53 Alex- that moment when you dont exist
c8bb2d 1.terrie i want to ask u soemthing on pam 2. have any of you seen my cousin cookie yet?
212b1f (Updated thumbnail for the CHEROPHO thing. - Landon)
792c84 anyone wanna rp? Im hella bored... -Adam
96c78c Also (FOR THE 10TH TIME!), can someone find me Ink`s redraw of this: ?
842b2e hi ct and adam)
a53442 those eyes looked kinda like Karmas. -Pathfinder
96c78c Hi Adam, Terrie, good point.
d0027a FrI$KK
816c53 Alex- normal vs derp form