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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
b8cef7 old tv
9739df Looks Like She's Not Home At The Moment... *Wanders Around To Places She Normally Is* - Endā Samayō
36a3bf Untitled
09f9dc BT Blueberry Sans
09f9dc Happy Blueberry Sans
816c53 Alex - For adam to use if he wants to
39924a Dog Pet
6ce502 Oh boy - Ray
72c467 shiftduststory -fresh?ink
2d73ea time for plan z. -jase
09f9dc Angry Blueberry Sans
6ce502 Yeah, my finger is bleeding and your mood is killed, yay - Ray
2efebb Undertale Sans Sprite(new faces and hurt body)
2d73ea oh, well that killed the mood. -jase
b00d6d Hey Pal, You Shouldn't Do That -Lebryan J.
b00d6d Bye Switch -Lebryan J.
6ce502 I already am suffering Jase, I know about the kinktober thing and searched it up a long while ago and I just didn't care. I accidentally stabbed my finger with a knife.. - Ray
842b2e gotta go bye)
842b2e im sorry for you ray)...
792c84 ow...Hey! Let her go! *runs at her ready to punch C.C* -Adam
c2eebe L.C took credit
2d73ea hey ray wanna suffer -jase
d8d976 *Grabs Foxlya* -C.C
6ce502 I wanted to make something wholesome today and uhm.. I kinda uhm.. made a demonic thing in my sketchbook - Ray
9739df *Knocks On The Door Of Foxlya's House* (He Somehow Knows Where That Is ? ? ? ? ? ?) - Endā Samayō
792c84 head...what happened? -Adam
e01258 Weird smiley face
d8d976 C.C?! -Foxlya
b00d6d I Got A Meme For You -Lebryan J.
d8d976 *lets him go* -C.C
9739df *Looks For Foxlya To Check Up On Her Bullet Wound* - Endā Samayō
b8cef7 old tv
d8d976 Dont search it -Foxlya
792c84 *tps to the void while hold her by her neck* -Adam
b8cef7 old tv
d8d976 Im scared to search it...the worst thing ive ever had was strep -Foxlya
e25ae6 Original by Terrie (awesome dude, btw) Re-Textured by Goopi
25d002 *He starts telling the corpse jokes*
842b2e *thinks about things hard enough to block out the outside world*
b8cef7 old tv
d8d976 *Makes him go to the void with Foxlya* -C.C
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!