0a3c91 Dusted Souls Incredustility Alex- *shoots blasters at zyphin *
2b9834 onley cross can use the button)--- cross/shadow
ebf0c4 so the thmemes?
ab2404 Amy Rose .exe
a82578 (I just like jojo for some of the themes and the memes)-JustComic
a82578 *blocks the lightning with bones and turns his soul green and blasts at him *-JustComic
2b9834 has hand over button)i dont care but what i can tell is a crybaby sponge--- cross/shadow
ebf0c4 true......but mostly only weebs get the jojo reference
20335a *he pinned all three of them to a wall* "IM SPONGEBOB, AND IM A FRYCOOK, A M U R D E R O U S O N E."
ebf0c4 epic,alrigth we might as well join this battle rp *le joins rp*
43520c *shoots 3 gaster blasters at jase* - ink..?
a82578 (but not people who watch anime are weebs)-JustComic
a82578 (Yes)-JustComic
ebf0c4 oop sorry my finger slipped
43520c *teleports behind jase* - ink..?
ebf0c4 yeah i have a really high voice for as old as i am.........did you like my meme soundboard?
c8bb2d got it -surrounds the sans in lightning -
ebf0c4 yeah i have a really high voice for as old as i am.........did you like my meme soundboard?
20335a *he held cross up in the air and held a spatula to his neck* "LISTEN FRIEND, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"
c5b911 SpongeSwap Spongebob Sprite
a82578 (to be honest not entirely)-JustComic
2b9834 uses overwrite button and make his attack go at him not me)fool--- cross/shadow
b00d6d *Still Watching* -Giant Toad Face
ebf0c4 did i sound how you thought i would have?
a82578 (Yeah) -JustComic
2b9834 sees the glowing eyes and launches at them)you fight the sans while i fight whatever that is--- cross/shadow
c8bb2d aah
ebf0c4 so you heard my shoutouts ?
20335a *Starts flinging spatulas at Cross as https://soundcloud.com/thetunehero-956661993/the-abrasive-side-or-something started to play* " B A H A H A H A ! "
a82578 (I watched the whole thing) -JustComic
b60944 Epicdust and Epicblood
a82578 *blue-souls him and slams him up down left and right* me-JustComic
ebf0c4 sorry if you guys missed it because that was an epic stream
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