2fe70b *grabs now gun* well... I guess were doing this now...
a82578 Oh neat a gun *snipes a bunch of people who aren't even playing*-JustComic
7456f1 *it gets turned into a ps5* -genocide
7456f1 *a snowball gun spawns into everyones hands and they all get teleported outside* -genocide
a82578 *stares at the switch* -JustComic
2fe70b *floats down and grabs a bag near a tree* I also brought something...
25d002 Huh. Well I guess thats gone. *Odst Goes back to His house*
a82578 w0aH lebryan got a p$FIVE -JustComic
7456f1 *throws another* -genocide
b00d6d I Got A PS5! -Lebryan J.
b00d6d *Slashes It Open* -Lebryan J.
7456f1 *jases is a extremely precise bow with arrows* *cvs is a ice gun* -genocide
5b2f3e -blows cold wind cutely-
2fe70b *puts on a necklace* nice
25d002 Wait what......But someone throwing a box means a bomb.
a82578 *yeets one at lebryan* here's youres-JustComic
5b2f3e That’s good Lebryan!
d8d976 (Save)
a82578 Odst that was a gift not a bomb-JustComic
b00d6d What? You Guys Are Opening Presents Without Me? -Lebryan J.
183f7b 1hp
2d73ea Anyways...*Ignores the shiver and opens his* What is this?....Looks weird...
7456f1 *just comics present is a switch* *lebryans is a new computer* *therons is a knife* *crimzons is a giant sword* *mine is switch as well* -genocide
d8d976 *Crying* YeS! -Void
25d002 *He shoots the present* Bomb Down!
9739df *Opens Present* - Crimzøn
2fe70b *opens it* oh cool
7456f1 *opens his* -genocide
a82578 *opens the present* bruh WHAT ARE THOSE-JustComic
2d73ea i just got shivers up my spine and its colD-
2fe70b *has the present float to me*
b00d6d Uh... Sorry CV. I... Had A Hard Time With This One -Lebryan J.
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!