8206a1 S-snow? This can only mean one thing! CHRISTMAS EARLY!!!!-Smiley
54f2d7 ACERTALE - Gaster Blaster
55ced6 Kirby Atari 2600
5b2f3e -trips and causes fog to appear in PAM, but it starts snowing-
55ced6 Waddle Dee Atari 2600
55ced6 tree Atari 2600
584534 distrust mm phase 6.5
b00d6d Don't Mind Me. Just Making Some Memes -Lebryan J.
55ced6 Flying enemies Atari 2600
584534 distrust mm phase 6
55ced6 DeDeDe Atari 2600
e83921 Among us
584534 distrust mm phase 5
c7d5f9 "undertale cookie incident"....
965131 And what makes it worse is something Toby said in an interview regarding Undertale with PC Gamer in 2017. To quote Toby, "My life has changed permanently and will never change back."
b00d6d Aww, BL Left -Lebryan J.
965131 To quote Toby himself during an interview, "Not only did I not expect this level of popularity, but initially, I was afraid of it.. I I even tried to contact certain Let`s Players to tell them not to make any content about it... Like a thunderclap to a small dog, all of this attention stressed me out... I wished I had a way to quell the attention. I felt a strange powerlessness."
cb9032 which maybe this could mean that you recreated/traced it -makrus
5b2f3e Fontcest and Frans were made by people who were High, -somewhat on the lines of what DannyB/Inkling Boi says about UT ships
cb9032 the whole sprite is based of bds dream sans sprite sheet but less detailed and with a different design
584534 distrust mm phase 4
c7d5f9 i understand why hes scared....
965131 Fun fact: Toby Fox is actually scared of the Undertale Fanbase, and even went as to telling certain let`splayers not to make content about Undertale.
5b2f3e -sprints to PAM central cutely-
7fe940 Soul
a82578 (Jase you still there?) -JustComic
965131 WIP: Soul Seeker (Terraria: Calamity Mod) - Save
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