Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
e30385 ...
e30385 ... - dst
e30385 ... - dst
e30385 Heheh - dst
c4c739 Starting soon
e30385 Or isn't it? - dst
bef0c2 Untitled
e30385 It's still nothing anyway - dst
e30385 Heheh too late - dst
e30385 Well as you might guess it ... maybe be not ... I'm fine except I don't - dst
8206a1 Yea, I know. But Uh.. How what are you doing? Wait no- STOP! NONONo -Smiley
e30385 That's what I mean basiclly - dst
8206a1 since you didnt say it to me- -Smiley
e30385 What to expect more than that? if I remember I would have said it long time ago - dst
ed09f2 Untitled
8206a1 Funny thing, I actually thought you were gonna say that. -Smiley
e30385 Ah heheheh forgot this day is Christmas day - dst
8206a1 So.. Uh... Merry christmas? -Smiley
876d00 Viridian Rectangle
e30385 Confirmed - dst
8206a1 And change that, To online!-Smiley
e30385 Smiley status : unknow - dst
e30385 Had dinner - dst
e30385 DST was AFK - dst
8206a1 oh wait no dstis offline yea-Smiley
8206a1 9999999999999999999999999999999999999% Chance Of Stupidity-Smiley
93192b dogtale dog man
8206a1 import java.util.Scanner; import; import {{Smiley: ONLINE}} {{DST: OLINE}} public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { Scanner diskScanner = new Scanner(new File("EmployeeInfo.txt")); for (int empNum = 1; empNum <= 3; empNum++) { payOneEmployee(diskScanner); } diskScanner.close(); } static void NoOnline(Scanner aScanner) { Employee anEmployee = new Employee(); anEmployee.setName(aScanner.nextLine()); anEmployee.setJobTitle(aScanner.nextLine()); anEmployee.cutCheck(aScanner.nextDouble()); aScanner.nextLine(); } } PAM {{Pixel Art Maker}} DEAD = True-Smiley
fd950f Shaded,TeenageUndyne
855695 its me smario! i will come back in a few days just wanted to let you guys know!¬
e30385 Spectate mode : online - dst
e30385 Changing complete: Disastale -> Disaster - dst
ef086c Water drop 2
e30385 Changing meaning of DST . . . - dst
e30385 Situation unknown - dst
373fad GitHub Logo (PornHub style)
60a52d Kevin
c2429f Poke-ball and Eevee
93192b DOGTALE
93192b DOGTALE
71543f statistics