25d002 Why cant I have Peace.....Its freezing...loud screaming wont stop.....and im pretty sure I have frostbite.
5b2f3e -the frost of all the city seems to gather in a vortex, melting-
8206a1 /vanish -Owner
5b2f3e -the phone hangs up, and disappears-
b00d6d Great, Now There's Screaming -Raspberry
5b2f3e Fubuki-hime?: SHIYUKI!.... Fine, i guess i will get over there-
5b2f3e "FUBUKI!..."
5b2f3e ???: Mmhmmhmm..... maybe...
9faf14 Untitled
d8d976 *Cries* -Void
5b2f3e "-sigh-, are you in the forest AGAIN!?"
5b2f3e ???: wHat!?
5b2f3e -On phone- "Sister!"
8206a1 Step aside, Buster. *screams al loud as he can, sceaming louder the whole city can hear* - Smiley
b00d6d Uh... W-W-W-W-Woah... The City's Freezing! -Raspberry
8206a1 Hello? Ghost? -Owner
5b2f3e Where is she!? my goodness where is she, she's been waiting for me for a while, -a phone appears, and dials, "666-320-219" (i wouldn't actually call this, not my phone, just random numbers i came up with XD)
27de93 Terrortale characters
defd65 mah girl mah g
8206a1 Say ghost, Are you doing this? -Owner
5b2f3e -some frost off a wall floats, and melts-
25d002 had to much dip on that chip head of his....What the.....is the city FREEZING OVER!?!?
d8d976 Bitch *Disappears* -Void
5b2f3e ....... -it gets so cold the city starts getting frosted over-
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!