a2471d *after dissolving, this appears. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE5uEesakTU begins to play.* Now, let us begin. *uses dragon eye, giving it 4 more turns, then it debuffs landon`s attack & defence, while buffing its own attack & defence*
d0ac6b "hi Furnace so what are you doing?"
da985e Sans
843b57 Cant you just talk to me tho...besides that, it looked like you trusted me enough for you to sleep on my head... -John
ae7706 that cant stop me i have your weakness*summons a whole lot of water*-landon
8a598a *starts getting kinda tired and yawns* It's been a long day, and it isnt even over yet. Man... -Atari Kyoshi
25d002 Nice to meet you ralsei! Im Furnace!
5b2f3e -anau only hears this in his head- use that P5 baton pass anytime m8
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