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258281 wh- what just- wha- WHAT. -Ez (x23 in rp)
4076f0 Jon...what the hell. -Cleetus
c2eebe jinx i know you are but what am i
8206a1 *teleports to cleetus and stabs burger* *gives ez a new one* -Jon
c2eebe jinx i know you are but what am i
258281 thank you!. -Ez (x23 in rp)
258281 sad. -Ez (x23 in rp)
4076f0 -gives him a burger- He's getting paid so ask him once his phase is over. -Cleetus
8206a1 *starts stomping on ben* -Jon
5b2f3e (help the robot quickly before you causes more havoc!)
2e818f 8-Bit Sonic and Aymieth Sprites
8206a1 *takes blue knife out and blocks the bullets* -Jon
258281 oh, he teleported away. i guess im gonna have to rely on junk scraps from the lava to fuel me.. -Ez (x23 in rp)
6bf841 *She collapses again...* -Ben
18f49e OI (starts shooting jon)
6bf841 *But shes too far gone...* -Ben
df6a91 Sly Cooper|PAS 2
c2eebe jinx its just a sprite its not like your life its just 1 lil sprite thats in the past
cdd207 Hy821d sans (cross possession)
6bf841 *It tries to help her...* -Ben
78a5cd (Hey uh, sorry I left before. Had stuff. I'm back tho.) -Geekazoid
8206a1 *teleports to ben* *kicks him* -Jon
cdd207 Hy821d sans (cross possession)
21c7b1 fasdssfdccdsdd
d5a077 danganronpa pixel sprite base Yugi 3
ebf0c4 huh? where?......whatever *he continues walking,and ends up near the city*
18f49e . . . (throws a smaller triangle about the size of lycan)
29ecd3 Pikachu
350fd8 Untitled
4810d3 Untitled
5b2f3e cya, I'm getting on an unfair early out, but due to online..... yeah
4076f0 K bye,) -Cleetus
6bf841 *She seems to have passed out to prevent the corruption taking control of her* -Ben
258281 yes. please. -Ez (x23 in rp)
d5a077 danganronpa pixel sprite base Yugi 2
21c7b1 fasdssfdccdd
1df244 *lies down on a random tree* - Chris ک
241980 (brb) - Mizu Shinsetsu
c2eebe jinx this is original i just you dont see that