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4076f0 what started this fight. -Cleetus
241980 *Turns Around And Sees Heli* ! - Crosses
8a598a ...I go dumb by popping doors. -Stef
18f49e (slashes landons legs)
8a598a You said you had a Toyota like, twice. Also yes, I am a dumbass. Either I say something dumb, or I go dumb. -Stef
ae7706 u REALLY asked for a sad time from me didnt you?-landon
4709dd The Among Us Arcade Game
3fcaee Eku your just saying that to get out of showing YOUR HORRID SPRITE MAKING most pettiest thing i have heard today
aeaddc its a Koenigsegg Gemera dumbass
a2471d I`m back and ending the rp I was doing for now because CV left.
241980 The Reason Why Me And Theron Are Dead Was Because We Made Puns. - Crimzøn
d7404d sans phase 4
a7c074 Worst Time Phase 5 Sans Sprite
8206a1 *puches landon* -Jon
8a598a Eku. 1, i was just saying, and 2. Ive already seen ur full spritesheet be posted, so... -Stef
4076f0 dang stuff is going down. -Cleetus
843b57 *unslurred* *visibly scared* -John
18f49e nice to meet ya too (grabs some vodka)
ebf0c4 due to......circumstances.....theron is now officially dead to void.....i wont explain it,dont ask
ae7706 W H O W O K E M E F R O M M Y S L U M B E R ! ! !-landon
8a598a Ekusukariba Gainoken is a magical kitsune that drives a Toyota... also Therons gf -Stef
18f49e . . .
aeaddc i didnt tell you to go on my sprite stef
4edc7b who the eku?
241980 Well It's Nice To Meet You Captain! - Crosses
843b57 *unslurred* Theron is dead? -John
18f49e (gets back up)captain . . . .
a7c074 Worst Time Phase 4 Sans Sprite
8a598a yeah Eku... half of that stuff is blushes... -Stef
aeaddc i will not tell theron hes dead
241980 Well I Told You My Name Who're You? - Crosses
258281 *fully charged, he walks out of the station and picks it back up*. -Ez (x23 in rp)
d8d976 If Cade comes on tell him i love him and if Theron comes on tell him hes dead
147f15 F.O.E. Carlos Revamped Walk
ba4aaf ROK - Jack's climber thing
d8d976 Ima go for a bit baii
241980 *Doesn't Notice Heli* - Crosses
1f17b5 Untitled
aeaddc i aint spending time on another sprite just look how much stuff is on mine
18f49e (behind crosses)
843b57 *unslurred* It honestly deoends on which electronics store it is...because alot of the normal cant repair this... -John