c91422 (Plant be like: Plant intelligence. Plants do not have brains or neuronal networks like animals do; however, reactions within signalling pathways may provide a biochemical basis for learning and memory in addition to computation and basic problem solving.)
7ce906 Am I really that scary.. -HorrorTale Sans
f069c9 Rainbow Fish
3fcaee Good to know you know what you are comical -Drone
c91422 U-uuhhh-
45a4d0 Mm, yes, correct, plants are smart.
7ce906 Hello there. -HorrorTale Sans
c91422 That was uncalled for Comic...
a82578 (I already know im a waste of oxygen.. also you can't offend me also plants dont have intelligence. they follow a cellular pattern.)
8a598a Save
7ce906 Lol -HorrorTale Sans
5b2f3e here we go..
f069c9 Rainbow Fish
c91422 (Plants are smart, They breathe, they talk, and they can communcate with each other...)
258281 (tries solidifying again, but failing horribly). -Ez
3fcaee i think you were confused you are the waste of oxygen here
a82578 (I dont have to be nice to anything dumber than a plant so..)
a82578 (save)
45a4d0 Lmao, Comical-ly small dick energy- Jesus christ I can`t stop, the opportunity was there, I had to- -BD
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