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b9de0d lol. - sans the skeleton.
acbc50 Well i originally was going to say a sprite cranberry
b90b88 (if you wanna redo this sprite go ahead. - LSS)
b9de0d lol i thought you were gonna say sprite cranberry - sans the skeleton.
4fc6bf Eternium grass
acbc50 Sans plush?
acbc50 Anybody want a
29ea0e Untitled
b9de0d (np) - sans the skeleton.
29ea0e Untitled
1a064a Trashbin
4fc6bf Hearticus
7ce906 Thanks -HorrorTale Sans
0afb62 thanks Grim -W
b9de0d (good job on that sprite horror.) - sans the skeleton.
b9de0d if you want this sprite take it.
7ce906 Dustbelief Papyrus -HorrorTale Sans
8a598a No joke, the green part genuinely hurts my eyes to do.
acbc50 Welp PAMS waking up
b9de0d if you want this sprite take it.
b9de0d (save) - sans the skeleton.
fedf74 Imma keep working on a sprite now.
7ce906 *(Demented walks around.) -HorrorTale Sans
9db9fa danganronpa pixel sprite base
472038 darwin
acbc50 Heya
b90b88 (I have a friend named Hego. Last name being TDrip. His full name being Hego TDrip. - LSS)
fedf74 Hello...?
acbc50 ......
4fc6bf Eternium
8597b0 save
4ba02e LOG
f29b9c RPG shady character base
fedf74 Back.
f29b9c RPG shady character base
f29b9c RPG shady character base
4ba02e L
2e767b Pixel Art 3
03e7c1 Stevens_TLDE_ArtifactKeyCollected_3.17.21
acbc50 *save*
acbc50 Anyone else finishing up sprites?