Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
51c096 prisim
258281 (sits on the floor and eats them, while his counterpart continues hugging twilight). -Ez
11a9d7 I mean like i can just work on this later (or never, in life) But ima just make a new sprite -Killer!Sans
d47ea8 thank you!!-oreo
77b851 Sure Oreo,
77b851 - Opens the bag and puts the bag on the floor so EZ can eat the chisps -
d47ea8 hey uhh could ya maybe remake my sprite plz? -oreo
64acf2 REAL
258281 (his eyes just widen). -Ez
74d5ce How’s it going folks? Keeping the balance of life and death in chec- I mean havin a nice day?
77b851 Hello tiny EZ, - holds a bag of popato chisps - Want some?
9d1d8a oh. mk.
fd9b43 zacian
caf6ab I
8a598a *Sneeze*
c91422 Awwwww *Hugs Ez*
baf04b atari
9d1d8a Hi person that said hi ta me :)
c1bd3f Upgrade Button
e7652d Sans FellSwapSwapSwapSwap
258281 hi tim. -Ez
caf6ab I
cf8877 Untitled
258281 (also hugs grim). -Ez
77b851 Mornin'
258281 (hugs twilight). -Ez
74d5ce Morning Pammers
8a598a Heyo Zed.
77b851 I try things over 10 times then I take a break then try again 10 times then I have a fixed mindset, then like a year later I do it again.
c1bd3f Upgrade Button
e36cae rainbow Pickaxe
9d1d8a Ah, ok. Sorry I'm dumb.
25d002 Just a Save.
258281 alright, i just looked up what a fixed mindset is and... well.... -Ez
11a9d7 Im giving up on making this man -Killer!Sans
4c45a1 Untitled
caf6ab I
e7652d Fell!5Swap Sans
77b851 Does anyone want me to make a sprite or remake their sprite?
990543 Senpai WIP
c4081a Me.