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8a598a saVe.
b9103b i really dont know
990543 Senpai WIP
c7fabe Horned hatter
812b32 W.I.P. - Molt!
c7fabe Horned hatter
c29c1f 8-Bit Sonic running
cab351 poke ball
547ed0 Mr.Colur (front)
2b9cd5 Untitled
77b851 There finally done..
e2e7f9 Create Your Own Sans :)
acbc50 ....
8a598a Sayori asked me to.
aeaddc fun sized whitty
812b32 W.I.P. - Molt!
8a598a This is really hard.
c0282c Tapu Koko
c7c89d Cream .EXE
c7c89d Custom Brick 2
aeaddc [Ekusukariba] this place ded
990543 Senpai WIP
99875a I'm back. -Geekazoid
ba4c01 Sans Sprite scared
aeaddc [Ekusukariba] ...
c7c89d Custom Brick 1
6fb8c3 Ocean
990543 Senpai WIP
c1bd3f over start button
0a6c08 slime
b9de0d (np.) - sans the skeleton.
0a6c08 jumping_slime
c1bd3f over start button
812b32 thanks man! - Molt!
d47ea8 it looks great!! keep up the good work!-oreo
b9de0d (you can use this one molt.) - sans the skeleton.
12f32f Harpoon
c7c89d Custom Tails Sprite
77b851 I was brainstorming idea's of how to make oreo and well I think I made something I want to do for another game but I am gonna keep working.
acbc50 Loaf (this is just random)
812b32 also its me Molt - Molt!