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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
258281 ...
30707b squid
acbc50 Good choice.
acbc50 Anyone went to the site? No?
fedf74 But no, I have to wait until I finish highschool and get straight As while I`m a Senior.
401102 *im hosting a backsotry rp that includes fighting and will give info on my ocs((connor and rainbowfox))anyone wanna join?-rainbowfox2011
134119 eh
401102 *well heres a summery of the uk incase ya wanna change your mind pretty much always bad wether,VERY BUSY,our lockdown SUCKS,biscuts and tea,queen ilizabith is imortal-rainbowfox2011
acbc50 Go to and click anywhere on the page to progress
fedf74 I just wanna visit the damn place already...
401102 *god that Sounded VERY WRONG im not mening it in a creepy way i just wanna know not like i would be able to go there anyways i have no money..-rainbowfox2011
401102 *what city u in?? u in london,scotland what one??-rainbowfox2011
5b2f3e I serve no purpose for “a backstory”... but still cya, brb...
fedf74 You are? Nice!
5b2f3e Fuck that then.
401102 *well im doing a sort of "backstory rp" but it WILL include alot of fighting plus itll reveal some info about my ocs((both my newest one called conor and my og one rainbowfox))-rainbowfox2011
134119 im visiting the uk rn
fedf74 Eh, what I thought. Well which country are you in currently?
c91422 Dusk I would be on discord talking to you right now but theres bad weather right noww
5b2f3e Brb actually I can possibly... rp.....
134119 i dont fucken know
c91422 Dusk im sorry!
401102 *i wanna know what time is it for yall guys??-rainbowfox2011
fedf74 Which one?
134119 pretty much
401102 *...its 11:05 in scotland/the uk....damm im tired.....-rainbowfox2011
fedf74 Different time zone?
c91422 Dusk waitt what?
134119 nope
0eb831 i feel replaced so im just gonna go before i make myself more sad
624447 Unspeakable
fedf74 Heh, nice. Did ya sleep in?
5b2f3e Im just as bored but can’t rp.... due to being on an iPad
401102 *laughs in scotland*-rainbowfox2011
fedf74 I`m gonna go since my Chromebook boutta die and I need to work on homework.
134119 whats with yall with rp and ct i just woke up
401102 *does anyone here wanna rp? really like if you would rp with me cause im bored and have nothing to do-rainbowfox2011
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!