71ea35 *takes out his phne then starts looking at sexy women*
3131d3 character_draw
5c793e smiley boi you better run
c76731 *Crying and dying noises* -6a7b6
a2471d Xyla Oblivion - Armageddon Form Update -Anauxieus
e37b6c Untitled
a82578 "Its-ITS.. pictures of Hot.."
71ea35 *wakes up takes the headphones out of his ears then starts running in alley way to alley*
acbc50 *theres a striped hard-boiled egg*
acbc50 tem is pAREnt!1
ae7706 i already beat it its https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=rx70sl8Q&id=05B314DA69723DBF670AA78A07A1DE23902BE6CF&thid=OIP.rx70sl8QKaVssbZczLrmVwHaEo&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimg00.deviantart.net%2f5b04%2fi%2f2016%2f225%2fd%2f8%2fugly_sans_i_mean_saaas_by_thedreamboy-dadqx7d.png&exph=640&expw=1024&q=ugly+sans&simid=608022220766855633&ck=D20FAA0D4EB9D9815B8065E21F3A3F1F&selectedIndex=0&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0 - ERROR!sans
7ce906 ... -HorrorTale Sans
5b2f3e -apparantly it's a replica, as the real sun can be seen, but this one is still just as hot, about to hit a building-
33b7fa tabs normal
b34194 FireBall
c4081a Beat this. No one will.
55e4e5 -finally reaches it and climbs out- -Puppet Pump
990543 *It sees that the sun has descended a bunch, and looks up at it*
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