1375db have you not noticed that the world has changed? WORLD WAR 3 HAS STARTED JACOB! -MOAU
c359e2 bulbisor
a8dd08 Chibi Character 1
5b62b0 Awww! Huggiess... -Jacob ((John
5b2f3e -distraction dances, and flies in front of the two latex furries (idk what to call them) and holds up a rainbow flag-
1375db LISTEN *hits john and backflips out of his arms* i need to protect you -MOAU
322634 Untitled
5b62b0 No leaving! *hugs a little tighter* -Jacob ((John
63ceb7 .....
5b2f3e -distraction dances for no reason-
0b51d0 why the hell did someone make this [Skeld]
e99e84 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxuBtbkyX2o begins playing) *He rams into him with his staff twirling into the air landing on his head dealing more damage*
1375db *tries getting out* -MOAU
ebf0c4 *he starts to reach for the hilt of his sword* *whispers* you..dont...control me
5b62b0 Awwww but Iwant huggies! -Jacob ((John
5b62b0 Im not really doing anything! -Jacob ((John
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