a34ade uh.. if your still here terrie, should i make another sprite..?
66ef70 ytiscoolandimdabest123
66ef70 ytiscoolandimdabest
583245 Yeah... That's, "The Elder One"... A boss dark latex... And since they have a different sprite for when they- well "change" Colin, I kinda need that for when I rp as them... So yeah... But- ya can take a little break from it for now, Grim...
70fa0f Former time trio phase 3.5 guess?
a34ade take a break friend.. you really do need it...
77b851 ( I CAN DO WHATEVER I WAN- wait, I should do it later so I can ma.. or should I- )
583245 Hey, you CAN take a little break... I just need that second part because of changed reasons... Like, not much of a point to have a boss character without the events of a loss to them...
a34ade Also uh.. grim!! i need you to draw a sprite for me as well! you can put it off for a month, i really dont mind! i just at leats want you ta know! (its this character, by the way.. https://changed.fandom.com/wiki/Prototype)
9c2a90 Deon but I fixed it
583245 I linked that because I want a second part to that sprite with well- what happen when ya lose to them because yes...
a34ade but HEY! i dont have time to sulk! im a wholesome fluffy furry who does their best to make the comminity better, even though they cant do a single.. thing.... sigh..
cb92d4 ...
583245 Oh there you are, Grim... I was wondering where you were at... Uh side note to that sprite btw: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/changed1449/images/c/ce/Boss_Crystal_Transfurr.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/256?cb=20181221032051
0d6aa9 DustTrust sans Phase 5
a34ade ...am i wrong for ignoring what the majority says about something i drew..? it sucks..
77b851 [Repost] ( Oh, I noticed I finished and didn't post it.. well Ill post it now. Is Terrie- yeah they are here. )
c91422 Appently when I made Lucy, she was too thick at first...
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