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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
f85042 Kaiyo
50b065 Start Button
f85042 ditto
2e6e40 PersonaggioPrincipale
50b065 Start Button
50b065 Title Screen
78c5da Untitled
93ed3e MehjKitty
78c5da mooshroom
681365 Ice Fire
7a4d0f Room
a4ac02 4-arm Khnum
a4ac02 4-arm Khnum
131c87 15
76afa2 Rocket Ship
131c87 14
131c87 13
93ed3e lightningKitty
411dd8 squireshield
50b065 Item Box One
dbb26f cactus sprites
a3e434 sidewalk
50b065 Item box
a3e434 Clipboard
475dd2 City
417b22 Potion mp
475dd2 Landscape
a3e434 Xtext
417b22 Potion mp
a3e434 minireese'scupfoilwraped
a3e434 minireese'scup
a3e434 reesecoin
a3e434 minirees'scupmachine
a3e434 foilwrapermachine
b661f5 off motion down
a3e434 tile1
a3e434 ruinedtile1
a3e434 grassfloor
b661f5 off motion left
38aca3 Penis
b661f5 off motion left
You can leave feedback about PAM here , but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!