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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
f1b183 UFO
c9c275 Untitled
ca664a mario's madness cast
b618ac Untitled
e68d13 bitir butonu
db1b6a skullhand
2eba2c Nurse
9893e7 pk
9893e7 pk
9893e7 pk
c7561a First Aid Tent (Am. Lit Final)
b4d5fe uranium_block
f71a97 enemy hp 13
f71a97 enemy hp 12
f71a97 enemy hp 11
e5a27a Vex_Spritesheet
f71a97 enemy hp 10
f71a97 enemy hp 9
f71a97 enemy hp 8
f71a97 enemy hp 7
f71a97 enemy hp 6
17eeb9 Luigi Idle
f71a97 enemy hp 4
17eeb9 Mario Idle
f71a97 enemy hp 3
f71a97 enemy hp 2
f71a97 enemy hp 1
2d53bf .
17eeb9 Luigi Talk
759021 Pixel Charger
17eeb9 Mario Idle
e5a27a Vex_Walking_W2
e5a27a Vex_Walking_W1
e5a27a Vex_Walking_N2
e5a27a Vex_Walking_N1
e5a27a Vex_North
17eeb9 Luigi Talk
99e0e2 UnderGLAD: Apposite Day Sans All Phases 1-3
6a7a6b left foot front
17eeb9 Mario Talk
23bf53 q
You can leave feedback about PAM here , but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!