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9664c4 Todd The Turnip
9664c4 SlienceDustSwap Papyrus
9664c4 heh... edge
9664c4 okay okay
9664c4 snail 7
9664c4 odin
9664c4 HA ME TOO
9664c4 snail 6
9664c4 I hope we become good friends faith =)
9664c4 i also have an knife
9664c4 snail 5
9664c4 I hope we become good friends faith =)
9664c4 snail 4
9664c4 Lol
9664c4 thanks for the name :)
9664c4 snail 3
9664c4 I swear this how people die today
9664c4 snail 2
9664c4 snail 2
9664c4 WHO'S THIS FAITH!?!?!??
9664c4 really?!
9664c4 Faith StoryHaze
9664c4 snail 1
9664c4 snail 1
9664c4 She's looking at something she likes.
9664c4 Tenji crying at death
9664c4 ooooooh betty twist nice :)
9664c4 Sarah StoryHaze Crying
9664c4 pixtot
9664c4 V3X Power type-T! Tenji phase 4
9664c4 Human base
9664c4 Sarah StoryHaze Mad
9664c4 V3X Power type-T! me 999999999 (but not defeated)
9664c4 ST! Shadow (Defeated)
9664c4 V3X Power type-T! me
9664c4 yes she is
9664c4 my best attempt on Kasane Teto
9664c4 Sarah StoryHaze V2
9664c4 swapswapdust sans,monodust sans,and dusted stars sans
9664c4 outerDustfell sans and killerdust sans