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9664c4 Ziltoid front
9664c4 Ct side csgo
9664c4 turtlefood
9664c4 hungryturtle4
9664c4 hungryturtle3
9664c4 hungryturtle2
9664c4 hungryturtle1
9664c4 idle animation frame 1
9664c4 Angryturtle
9664c4 Water3
9664c4 idle and up animation frame 1
9664c4 Water2
9664c4 idle and shoot animation frame 2
9664c4 idle and shoot animation frame 1
9664c4 Chad XL
9664c4 Chad S
9664c4 Water1
9664c4 Ziltoid right
9664c4 Ziltoid right
9664c4 run and shoot up animation frame 3
9664c4 run and shoot up animation frame 2
9664c4 run and shoot up animation frame 1
9664c4 beach sky
9664c4 run animation frame 3
9664c4 run animation frame 2
9664c4 Untitled
9664c4 run animation frame 1
9664c4 NES (Nintendo Entertainement System)
9664c4 beach sky
9664c4 banshee & R F S
9664c4 run and shoot animation frame 3
9664c4 run and shoot animation frame 2
9664c4 run and shoot animation frame 1
9664c4 Knife
9664c4 JINX! :D
9664c4 Ziltoid neutral
9664c4 Ziltoid neutral
9664c4 dustswap Sans and Papyrus.(made by dustverse21)(revised)(fixed)
9664c4 Untitled
9664c4 creditButton
9664c4 negativeswap Sans and Papyrus.