9664c4 welp. its just me and YOU creator. im not sure what you're doing. but you need to stop, all im trying to do is live a happy life with my friends and lover. i don't need the fear of danger everywhere i go. please just stop.
9664c4 welp i gtg so as xavier said we can finish it 2morrow
9664c4 sans, but one is shaded obnoxiously, and the other isnt
9664c4 idk anyways gtg looooove you Inki
9664c4 EZ. wasn't i supposed to fight him a long time ago?
9664c4 star dust. *Everything glitched for just a second before joestar ends up behind xavier. except this time. he's not attacking.*
9664c4 (i gtg. we'll finish this tommorow.)
9664c4 Behold, the power of Determination. *he summons powerful orbs that make a shock wave on contact. they aim for joestar. xavier realizes joestar is losing his sanity. and attacks more sharper.* (desc)
9664c4 hm. *Error.*
9664c4 its okay Inki......idk whats happening either.........
9664c4 Diamond
9664c4 *his eyes are now a darker red* *a text box appears, the text box says* "INK! ZED IS DETERMINED TO BEAT YOU" *it disappears* I S A I D, T R Y M E......................AND LOADING DIFFERENT FILES DOESNT AFFECT ME........*fires even more paint bullets, except theyre the size of a gaster blaster*
9664c4 *Joestar.. is determined. he glitches out.. before you know it. he's gone insane.*
9664c4 (how he is doing this is 2 ways, one: DETERMINATION, and two, No thinking.)
9664c4 *the soul breaks, and makes a stunning shockwave.*
9664c4 he then summons... a soul.*
9664c4 *he then summons black hole orbs, which explode on contact. they all aim for joestar.*
9664c4 d o n ' t t h i n k t h a t w a y b u d d y . *Reality loads Save 1*
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