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51f227 Is Mayonnaise An Instrument?
75b285 galaga bugs
7f9f49 Maple leaf
90c21b Background
9df652 sidecharacterthomas
9df652 sidecharacterleslie
8910ed cross hair
9df652 sidecharacterjeremy
9df652 sidecharacterjeremy
2fe75d Chara_Sans
d8809a Undertale
6aa3ed House
647079 AG!Swapfellspin/Canonstyle!SwapfellSpin
d8809a lancer2
4c49a9 she ra
e342d5 JSE
95be89 Terrie: I`m bound to forget it...
be82ba Why don't we all go to bed and finish tomorrow?
95be89 Terrie: Don`t know...
be82ba Can we continue with the semi-roleplay?
95be89 Terrie: I`m tired AF... I could go to bed at any chance without warning...
85386e slash
be82ba I guess. Proto is still charging.
95be89 HeartBroken Undyne [W.I.P]
94c200 We are the only survivors of the Purge. I guess the world is dead now
be82ba Hi.
94c200 I'm here
9e00fc Knuckles after a war
95be89 HeartBroken Papyrus [Yes I get it`s Disbelief, but it suits that theme of the AU, beside proper recolouring has yet to happen]
be82ba (Proto is charging) {Anyone still here?}
c12d7b People playground Ragdoll
95be89 HeartBroken Sans [Without the heavily head shading]
0d1925 medkit
4c49a9 entrapta and hordak
be82ba I'm still here.
95be89 Working on my HeartBroken AU...
95be89 HeartBroken Sans
94c200 Where is everybody?
0d1925 TC Gold
25a5d8 Andrew Carnegie
0d1925 TC