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895de5 dot
10a9ed XP Bar
390dcd ...
10a9ed XP Bar
2a1f7c ...i'm bored.
63ceb7 -So much smoke blocks your fov to even see him-
2d0bb5 Krunker Red Dot
63ceb7 oh justin you know dominic he solved the rub ix ill give it too you at lunch
6315f0 Acid Jar
ecc2ec Untitled
be82ba (Reverse startup sequencing)
63ceb7 It`s worth it! -He presses the button on PT-Terrie, to change his look-
390dcd ello
2a1f7c ...
2a1f7c ...
6315f0 Sword thing
63ceb7 There is something on you that will change your outer interface and make not only look like him but, also sound like him!
be217f Untitled
63ceb7 [PT-T3rr13-V3.4.9];[But look at me!... Everyone will know I`m not him!]
63ceb7 if you wanna talk go to
2a1f7c (that was kinda long)
63ceb7 To replace Classic...
f402d2 pipetop
2a1f7c (back)
2d0bb5 Krunker Red Dot
63ceb7 [PT-T3rr13-V3.4.9];[Why am I here?]
63ceb7 [Well then... Tell me...]
be82ba (Windows startup noise)
895de5 Squidward
63ceb7 Oh it is...
63ceb7 [Now is a better time... Isn`t it Nywxmr P. Svifeykl?]
f402d2 mario
8fe996 Mouve
b937d3 Prisoner
63ceb7 that you know of if yall need me go to
e1bb5b Cell
da0982 Suicune
da0982 Mega Gallade
2a1f7c dude he left the site.
63ceb7 justin are you online
be217f YouTube logo