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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
2a1f7c (my height is the blue line.) - xavier
63ceb7 Terrie: Danger, isn`t dead.... In fact about two days ago he was here!... White guy in a black what you call it... Leather jacket... And I think wearing glasses... And beside I`m.... -He grab you by the neck- I`m very pissed off to back off...... -He lets go and continues walking-
2a1f7c *he unfroze. and hugged them.*
63ceb7 can someone change my lust into fell
b44f48 pokemon 1
2a1f7c ...
390dcd *gently pulled xavier into the middle of the hug*
63ceb7 echo is not a sans hes a cat
908cd8 Sans Maker: Please Terrie, Danger may or may not have died for this.
2a1f7c *he froze up due to notice.* ...
63ceb7 and my names echo
63ceb7 .....
b44f48 charmander evolutions
390dcd (okie okie) hm? you ok xavier?
63ceb7 Terrie: -He`s too pissed off to say anything-
f943f0 ok
2bd126 (pretty much and brb i gotta switch classes soon)
2a1f7c *makes a smol squeak.* ...!
6877d4 Any kind, except for Birds. Birds are extinct in Jurushoe. They are the dinosaurs of Jurushoe. We have lizards as pets. Mainly animals that are wolves, foxes, coyotes, hyenas, hedgehogs, skunks, and mythical animals
390dcd (so im the chosen one to pet the warrior uwu
908cd8 Sans Maker: Hello Terrie can you give me some information about you?
2a1f7c *he is two steps away from the two.* *thinking: WHY AM I SO NERVOUS AHHHHHH!*
f943f0 You are a sans. you cant go in.
63ceb7 Terrie: In my "world" everyone is allowed.... From TV shows, to video games.... Etc, etc.... Doesn`t matter.... I`m not a fucking racist and forces only ONE set of people in it...
63ceb7 sky animals like me exist in Jurushoe
be82ba [Do I exist there?]
2bd126 *he accepts it* (fun fact: FurryStory Warrior hate to be pet)
6877d4 Oh god. Umm... This can kinda start some inappropriate stuff with Stellar and Warrior...
2a1f7c *anxiety increases more. ends up taking another step.* ...
f943f0 What kind of animals exist in Jurushoe?
2d8240 French Toast
390dcd *pets the warrior*
63ceb7 i speak lellele language
63ceb7 Terrie: Pissed off as all hell...
6877d4 I meant you can go to it as in you exist in Jurushoe. Humans and Sans and anything Undertale related don't exist in Jurushoe
dc15c3 Cursor
908cd8 Sans Maker: Ok then, Terrie i assume it is?
2a1f7c *social anxiety intensifies. for some reason, he takes a step closer.* ...
f943f0 i know for a fact that i am an eterna spirit of a Gecko.
908cd8 Sans Maker: The 1st person, furry or just whatever i am looking at which is someone talking on here and not just random art will be my 1st person to gain information on.
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!