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2a1f7c back.
5ed8ec (But he's a Bisexual)
ea5b20 Geno
f943f0 ok. i just read you desc thats why.
5ed8ec (Male)
908cd8 ......Foxlinn will be interesting for this AU.
f943f0 what gender are you ro?
5f5cf4 FRank the Hipster
2ddd5f Gogeta blue
5f5cf4 FRank the Hipster
2a1f7c brb
5ed8ec (i just realised i'm the second shortest)
908cd8 The Forgotten... - T, or atleast what's left of him...
5f5cf4 play button
390dcd sorry just hes smol
5f5cf4 pause button
5ed8ec ...CHOCOLATE!*bites chocolate and talks with mouth full*Thanks stellar....
2a1f7c *freakin noms it down.* (i love chocolate irl ^u^)
5f5cf4 shrbgendhvdejuifhe7<>
6877d4 Wow. Stellar your being too overprotective
5f5cf4 shrbgendhvdejuifhe3v
5f5cf4 start button
390dcd *gives ro and xavier some chocolate*
2a1f7c (the stellar x warrior ship just got even cuter)
5ed8ec ...
2a1f7c ok -3-
390dcd (your still my precious child and i wont allow harm to come to you or warrior
d433a6 Planet Cothoris
2a1f7c um... you realize i can come back from DETERMINATION, right?
d51f14 after and before
f943f0 I read it alright...
f455be Gtg brb.
5f5cf4 Ice Cream In A Waffle Cone (Limited Edition)
f455be Yeah, but call me color, Sky. Everyone on here hates me now. so I changed, you should read T's full story.
390dcd ive only had xavier for one day and if anything were to happen to em i would kill everybody here and then myself
f943f0 wait are you T?
5ed8ec ....*Sits on floor*
2a1f7c (ye XD)
f455be So...anyone but Xavier gonna read those? If ya do, tell me what you think. As I wrote that all from memory.
390dcd (oml i am arent i lol
2a1f7c (i read them color)