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e16e82 hmmmmm
e16e82 All I know is that there is a "fight happening right now/was happening
95be89 Second question... Where is Terrie?
390dcd there we go
5b4a92 Bully-Back
f943f0 Ian.
95be89 I don`t have a name really... Check my DESC... Also I was female...
4793a2 -rolls up to sean and checks his pulse after beeps alarmingly *trans: PULSE NEGATIVE?! HOW?!
e16e82 I am as clueless as you are Ms...... Whats your name?
752b4c .... *he would tuck the note back into the jacket, and hold it*
f943f0 ughhhh. what happened?
2a1f7c i have to go. bye.
7a18d3 Soviet A☭☭☭
95be89 -Repeating- I missed a lot... Mind telling me what?
66635a *The note read "heya. if you're reading this, why are you snooping around in my jacket? snooping ain't that nice ya know. heheheh."
752b4c ya sure act like you are, Ms.Fell)
e16e82 *sighs* guess I am no choice but to fight.
390dcd wip bundles (just gotta make a ear go FLOP
1a7958 spring Trap
95be89 I missed a lot... Mind telling me what?
752b4c [Yes]
4793a2 -turns human and falls to the ground- ow...-passes out-
752b4c excuse me, SiR, but i"m not dumb, nor a troll. check your comments again, Ms.Fell.)
66635a *Read the note? [YES] [NO]
2a1f7c *then xavier takes ian's power.*
752b4c *he picked up the jacket*
752b4c (Cuz people are dumb)
66635a *. . . All that remains is his jacket. Seems like there's a note inside.
e16e82 Why is there a fight?
4793a2 BANG! -omegablaster fires at error ian making a crater around him-
5b4a92 BullyMain-Back
2a1f7c *he fires the blaster as xavier is as angry as karma was some time ago.*
be82ba [Hi Wobot]
7b6a30 Sanss
b9c17b Lava
1a7958 spring Bonnie
609870 Hello!
f943f0 Thats it! keep weakening him! Xavier! when he is very weak drain the powers from him!
be82ba I gave you an opening.
752b4c (Theres a fight here, and then theres a troll in my damn comments section on my art)