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76eb0e *Goopi drops the glass he was cleaning with a Goop wipe* oops. *it splats on the ground instead of shattering* Yeah Rei, I fully support your claim. (I mean, when I leave the PAM Community, i have nothing to do or anyone to talk to. No friends or anything.)
be82ba I'll watch what happens over the next few days...
be82ba Yeah...
68e7d8 It's your choice, you do what you want.
be82ba I've been thinking of just quietly leaving...
68e7d8 I'm sorry to hear that Rei...
be82ba And to everyone else... I'm just a nuisense...
be82ba Worst part is... it's not just one person.. I think it's somewhere around 5...
76eb0e You guys can count on me if you ever need a drink of any sort.
68e7d8 *spits water out on the floor* holy cow, you're fast at drinking, also sorry for spitting on the floor Goopi.
e2979c toon3.png
be82ba (Rei is drinking the vodka at speeds unknown to the human brain)
68e7d8 Thanks Goopi.
be82ba Thanks Goopi... (Rei didn't even bother opening the bottle normally... she just cracked off the neck of the bottle and drank from there)
a8410b Blue Cube With a Face
68e7d8 Well i'm here to be your friend, Rei.
76eb0e Okie... *goes under the bar desk and grabs a bottle of Vodka and a pitcher 'o' water* Here ya go. On the house.
be82ba We used to be friends... and I gues I thought we still were... I was wrong...
68e7d8 Maybe you just need to relax and hang out with some new friends, or just tell them sorry...I guess?
e2979c toon2.png
be82ba Yep.. that's it ...
be82ba Then I got too exicited and tried to rush something I wasn't even a part of...
76eb0e *Goopi pops up from the bar* Will that be all for you two?
be82ba I guess everyone hates me because I royaly fucked up... twice... and my first character sucked... and that kinda carried over...
68e7d8 yeah? *I ask as I order a drink of water*
be82ba So... (Orders a whole bottle of vodka)
76eb0e Johnknee from SR Pelo "Johnknee and Ill: Looking" -Goopi
e2979c toon1.png
68e7d8 *we get to the bar and take our seats*
be82ba (Following)
68e7d8 *stands up and helps Rei up, then starts walking*
be82ba ...Ok...
0cf5e3 rose from plants vs zombies
68e7d8 we can go get a drink from the bar, or just lay out here to death...
950af5 Frisk
2af257 Boredom
be82ba It isn't their fault... it's mine... I was an idiot... I deserve it...
68e7d8 well I won't, also they must just suck at being your friend.
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!