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5b2f3e Horror CV | CV Edit
95be89 While going through the gallery I found these two
be82ba I like what you did with the new sprite.
95be89 Terrie: Hello Rei
be82ba Hi Terrie.
53a360 will do the faces later ))
c0407f airs
95be89 Horror CV | -Terrie [Thank you for letting me do this]
c0407f airs
5a6123 Mario 16-bit (snes)
b3e610 FileRip Sans
efd013 Np...if you need any help then just tell me :) but some i might not do :p-Ro
53a360 thanks ))
53a360 Fresh Ink ( not close to done but doing the scarf )
efd013 Helped with the mouth -Ro
14e65e dalmation
d921e3 Zane [Danger Edit] [Repost]
5b2f3e it's fine
95be89 Terrie: Hey CV, can I edit your character to be like horrortale?... I wanna do that cause I`m bored but I wanna know if it`s fine with you...
efd013 Back.............
5b2f3e ....
90896a Yep. I knew saying anything would be a mistake. Don't know why I did it but I did.
53a360 Sup
5a6123 tanooki mario
53a360 Fresh Ink ( arms done )
265e76 background
95be89 Untitled
95be89 Terrie: Guess I`ll just go fuck myself...
46f245 hmm ok,leave me alone.
95be89 Terrie: I just got here said hello and was ignored... Theres barely so I was less likely too be ignored and I got ignored...
00c8a2 motherfucker...I SAW FELL I DONT GIVE A SHIT
90896a Maybe because you've barely said anything, Terrie? (She said, knowing opening her mouth would be a mistake.)
46f245 hey ins,check the # memes channel on dickord
95be89 Terrie: ...BIFNR... [How just how am I even being ignored?]
00c8a2 wheres karma, i have news for him...
46f245 *listeing to heavy metal*perfection
4e22d6 Untitled
5b2f3e idk
53a360 Fresh Ink ( Not Done
95be89 Terrie: ...