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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
be82ba If it was that one pixel i'll start crying.
fac441 kid
95be89 Woooooowwwwww....
53a360 updating ))
90896a Maybe, Rei, if you try to make it look like a barrette or something? Or is that what you're going for already and that suggestion isn't helpful?
95be89 ...
53a360 updating ))
95be89 Undertale: Unhinged AU`s
be82ba Is this it?
ca38aa Spider-Verse - Fourth Edition - APL
273a8a PM_turn
be82ba Did I fix it..?
95be89 Terrie: ...I think I already did... MY MEMORY SUCKS I ALREADY FORGOT EVERYTHING!.... I can`t remember anything that happened from like the last two weeks I`ve been on here...
95be89 I`m doing Killer! -Terrie | Will you ever finish this?
53a360 updating ))
95be89 Just to add some salt...
149ebb huh. maybe its like, the ghost of T or some other long lost person.
be82ba Wobot, if you don't remember, it's me, Proto/WR
95be89 Terrie: No... I just said "I forgot you even had a female form..."
149ebb Are you doing this terrie?
95be89 How many versions of Stellar`s, old characters can I use, till he gets mad at me?
cebcda santasack2
0171d8 Krunker Red Dot
be82ba Something about it looks wrong...
95be89 Terrie: I forgot you even had a female form...
149ebb Why do you have this just saved on your computer?
149ebb Oh yeah, the girl one.
95be89 You... ME... Doesn`t matter just shitty reposting...
95be89 How`s this? -Larry-
53a360 updating ))
be82ba [it was the gradient.]
149ebb Who is, who is uhh- whos doing that?
95be89 "Punk Wobot" | Who remembers this?
149ebb *He is happy* Also who took my punk sprite???
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!