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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
be82ba Shoot... backstory time....
95be89 I made it seem like it was done due to a battle | -Larry-
be82ba I... think it was...
53a360 the chat didn't die broski we are just working on fresh ink ))
be82ba If it was that one pixel i'll start crying.
fac441 kid
95be89 Woooooowwwwww....
53a360 updating ))
90896a Maybe, Rei, if you try to make it look like a barrette or something? Or is that what you're going for already and that suggestion isn't helpful?
95be89 ...
53a360 updating ))
95be89 Undertale: Unhinged AU`s
be82ba Is this it?
ca38aa Spider-Verse - Fourth Edition - APL
273a8a PM_turn
be82ba Did I fix it..?
95be89 Terrie: ...I think I already did... MY MEMORY SUCKS I ALREADY FORGOT EVERYTHING!.... I can`t remember anything that happened from like the last two weeks I`ve been on here...
95be89 I`m doing Killer! -Terrie | Will you ever finish this?
53a360 updating ))
95be89 Just to add some salt...
149ebb huh. maybe its like, the ghost of T or some other long lost person.
be82ba Wobot, if you don't remember, it's me, Proto/WR
95be89 Terrie: No... I just said "I forgot you even had a female form..."
149ebb Are you doing this terrie?
95be89 How many versions of Stellar`s, old characters can I use, till he gets mad at me?
cebcda santasack2
0171d8 Krunker Red Dot
be82ba Something about it looks wrong...
95be89 Terrie: I forgot you even had a female form...
149ebb Why do you have this just saved on your computer?
149ebb Oh yeah, the girl one.
95be89 You... ME... Doesn`t matter just shitty reposting...
95be89 How`s this? -Larry-
53a360 updating ))
be82ba [it was the gradient.]
149ebb Who is, who is uhh- whos doing that?
95be89 "Punk Wobot" | Who remembers this?
149ebb *He is happy* Also who took my punk sprite???
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!