Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
d75bc7 Wendy O. Koopa SMB 3
efd013 ...
95be89 N-No one gonna ask who this new p-person is?...
d75bc7 Lemmy Koopa SMB 3
d75bc7 Morton Koopa Jr. SMB 3
5b2f3e this is good though!
fe30e2 Derp-(increseaes by 700) see?.....oooooooooooooooooo imma go back to other size
95be89 I can tell I must suck at hiding
5b2f3e i cans sees yous -cv
beac31 ...
d75bc7 Morton Koopa Jr. SMB 3
b9e0f8 soultale undyne
efd013 ...back(desc)
95be89 -Just standing around trying to blend into the background-
fe30e2 Derp-i can alter my ye
b9e0f8 soultale undyne
5b2f3e let's share this.... classic
5b2f3e Derp and RC CV -cv
fe30e2 (grabs anthor pizza thats correct) here the other one has BONES in it
fe30e2 (yeets the pizza out the window) what pizza?
5b2f3e don't mind if i do! -takes some pizza-
5b2f3e you called?
fb83a7 Gaster blaster Tales of the fallen
fb83a7 Gaster blaster Tales of the fallen
5b2f3e wrong verse...... it's classic that ordered that pizza
fe30e2 wot m8 im bored and (grabs a box) has boneless pizza
cff728 gold_block
5b2f3e derp?! why are you here?
fe30e2 . . .(goes back into my canvas) urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
95be89 Hey
efd013 Ro- i dunno whats going on...*See's the person standing around*Oh hi!
0ccd0c danganronpa pixel sprite base
c30c09 pixel
95be89 -Standing around-
fe30e2 derp- What's going on....its seems like a plain,quiet day for me
0ccd0c danganronpa pixel sprite base
0ccd0c danganronpa pixel sprite base
0ccd0c danganronpa pixel sprite base
0ccd0c danganronpa pixel sprite base
efd013 hi....