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53a360 Retarded Sans : Bitch, I never said i was smart to you Mofo
cdd866 retard isnt a cuss word you fucking bitch..
be82ba If you are so smart, what is Irish Guacamole?
53a360 This is better than your ocs lololol
cdd866 who the fuck says "rerereretard"? youre saying re......nobody fucking says that anymore except noobs
53a360 Retarded Sans : LOLOL You said i hate cuss words but didn't you know Retarded is an cuss word you fucking big gay mofo
4a68c0 stars
53a360 Retarded Sans : lololol you are an minecraft revenge fucktard REREREREEEEEEEEEEETARD
6de5c6 Bister
be82ba Calling people Gay only lowers your age to five, wow, you are even lower than a squeaker.
3897d8 shut up retarded sans you acted like a 5 yr old
53a360 Retarded Sans : Fortnite is for fucking gays like you XDXDXDDD RERERERERERERERRERREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETARD
95be89 *Alwaying ignoring due to being bored* Im going on youtube
cdd866 saying no u with a 0 makes u sound retarded......but most like a 4 year old ya know
53a360 Retarded Sans : lololol i can use ignore on you dumb retarted noob
95be89 sans/error sans | N0 U
be82ba "Lololol" makes you sound like a fucking 8 year old Fortnite player who watches all of Ninja's stream and is broke because you buy worthless V-bux, only to spend them on something that is completely worthless.
6de5c6 Bister
53a360 Retarded Sans : I killed your mom after i raped her lololol
53a360 Retarded Sans : lololol you are the nerd because you read to many books you dumbass fagget
95be89 sans/error sans | 1M N0T STUP1D 11K3 U 1M B3TT3R!
3897d8 please stop talking about moms
95be89 sans/error sans | 1TS CA113D MLG M0D3 N3RD!
53a360 Retarded Sans : your not retarded enought lololol so go cry to your dad and your tv
95be89 sans/error sans | SO U LOVE TO FUCK THE DEAD?.... HUH....
be82ba SYour insults and soeech patterns are both invalid... but I guess your name being "Retarded" speaks for itself then...
53a360 Retarded Sans : I already raped your mom and send sperms to her
95be89 sans/error sans | 1M PR3TE3D1NG TO B3 U
95be89 sans/error sans | ILL FUCK UR MOM
53a360 Retarded Sans : i bet you like gay sex and pornhub you motherfucking fag lololol go cry to your mom
53a360 Retarded Sans : you don't have an dick dumbass lolololol
d921e3 I am god.
be82ba Says you, speaking like a fucking 10 year old.
ce908e E'a Koon
95be89 sans/error sans | CAUSE U GAY AF
95be89 sans/error sans | SUCK MY D!
95be89 sans/error sans | NERDDDD
53a360 Retarded Sans : lololol fuck off kid lololol
95be89 sans/error sans | SANS, FANBOIS AND GIRLS, HOW DULLL
53a360 Retarded Sans : lololol he raged so hard because hes retarted
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!