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37cb0a ok first stop. lets take turns so she can hear the names ok?
c8bb2d welp there he is
d921e3 Heh.. yeah i know..
95be89 I kinda like Terrie`s...
ad6ca4 BlueTemplatePlat
be82ba "Shikami"? "Kano"?
95be89 Terrie: Vennra? [Véin-Ra]
be82ba "Rem/Wrem"?
37cb0a What about Allison?
ad6ca4 BlueTemplateGold
c8bb2d *starts walking toward chaotic*
be82ba "Cotton"?
70c690 Nikita? (Nik-i-ta)
37cb0a Tibia honest, I think Allison wont be bad.
ad6ca4 BlueTemplateSilver
cdd866 this may be a bit too close to my name.....but how about Kim?
ad6ca4 BlueTemplateBronze
37cb0a Lol
95be89 Original understandable and memorable names please...
cdd866 ur weird Danger.....*le kish*
37cb0a Michel Raymonds Joseph?
70c690 What about Rose? Or Armani?
cdd866 and uh.....Pink about Kimberly?
95be89 Terrie: I can`t draw myself as her... I can`t draw at all...
c8bb2d *stares at chaotic* heh
d921e3 Just being chill.
37cb0a Actually I think the W.D is Wind Ding.... Nah I really have no idea.
95be89 And some new original names please
95be89 I can`t think of some female names... I`d rather be a woman....
37cb0a Mew Mew kisses badly?
cdd866 what the hell are you doing Danger? lol
95be89 Terrie: Terrie D. Gore... Or Terrence Gen Gore
cdd866 and just wondering...
be82ba Ok then... male... Cat? names....
c8bb2d heh
cdd866 If were talkin names full name is Kayshius Ann Carpenter..........I know a bit much isnt it....
d921e3 *Puts on sunglasses(
95be89 Yet no... Male name...
70c690 Lily Pathwater, why do you want to know?
c8bb2d um he tried to kill me (he hates me)
37cb0a I wont let him kill you, I promise.