Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
e16e82 Hmm.. Okay that fine. I just felt like I was being ignored..
390dcd so basically, he dosent care who uses the site, and hes nice
f455be So who is your big bro?
90896a It doesn't need to be a link, just the username will suffice.
165800 grenade
63ceb7 And in fact I was talking with them overngiht, and when someone posted porn E, actually helped us by spamming as well!
2bd126 i'll be back
f455be Sorry, Lucas. It can be hard to pay attention to everyone sometimes. I'm dealing with Traves right now.
752b4c I suck with names, but you`re Luca, right?
63ceb7 I get they posted ultra bypassed porn yet, I need proof of it...
f455be isan e hacker? my big bro is on here he talks about u guys some
e16e82 *sighs* Okay... why can't I be noticed by someone other then Sky, for once.. If you guys even care, I am not doing this for drama...
390dcd i might be able to find it, even then idk if i could send you a link do to it being an actual message
f455be is an arst style.
752b4c E isn`t the owner of PAM. And w e d o n ` t t a l k o f t h e m h e r e . . .
f455be That sprite is a bit rough
f943f0 Hewwwwo.
390dcd possibly, tho i doubt it
90896a Aw, damn. At least tell me his username if you remember it?
f455be dere.
f943f0 Oh hey Sky!
63ceb7 What if E, was the owner of PAM?...
e16e82 At least I don't get my spite stolen. I get ignored a lot...
f943f0 Same here.
390dcd tho im not on my home computer, om on my school chrome book
f455be i wil mak new one
63ceb7 We always outwit you... Yet can`t ya just like do what we do and that`s roleplay WITH, us?
45735c Untitled
f455be i didn't maek this sprite either, some skeleton did.
90896a Links! Please! I've always wanted to know what the owner of PAM is like!
efd013 ...Fucking sprite theifs,stealing my hard work............
e16e82 Great.. I guess I dout care either?
45735c Untitled
63ceb7 Bruh, just like find something else to do!
51b640 Krunker Green dot
f943f0 Heya! i was shiny hunting a Dreepy.
f455be sopt it bully! i am just here, ok/ my dad doesn't own site. i just wanted to seem cool....sorry.
71b616 i dout care
390dcd yup, he isnt on much tho, but hes a nice guy
71b616 i dout care
e16e82 Ugh...