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f455be I've been Traves the whole time! HA! every since he first came and stole your sprite he was mine. My friend made him up and I took control! -T
00c8a2 whats wrong Ariel?
f455be you know the best part, Karm?
a81234 -eyes go black- did you do something to her?
7639c2 How about this.......(
9b408c *she acknowledged ins* h-huh?
f455be you said swear word. If my dad owned this site for real you would ban.
a81234 (cosby has known me for 2 minutes and hes the ONLY one who notices karma talks like captain jack sparrow)
00c8a2 Ins? Oh Insanity, i remember times, fun times...
0c429b Krunker Hitmarker
00c8a2 *tries to comfort Ariel* hey hey Its okay, tell me whats wrong
a81234 wait...ins?
71b616 HOW THE HELL DO YOU THING YOUR COPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7639c2 Im right here....................................................................................
8fb2c2 this looked like hallowknight to me.
a81234 -eye starts bleeding- oh shit....that could be a problem...
9b408c (everyone gonna ignore me?) *she needed to cheer up*
f455be you talk liek jake sparrow. (spelt wrong)
f455be okey.
00c8a2 I have no need to reveal myself *feminine voice*
a81234 oh ya...cosby...never use my stuff again...savvy?
7639c2 Im out of ideas.
9b408c *she didn't want a donut*
71b616 Cool!!! now i know your so i can tell you my name it not rose BECAUSE IM RO HAHAHAHAHA HOW DO YOU NOT SEE IT RO-SE HAHAHA
efd013 Yare Yare Daze
f455be sorry for steal, but need to thank you for your bill sprite i used to use. -traves cosby/
7639c2 Has donut (Ariel)
9b408c (i'm not in a good mood ok? i need to find a way to cheer up)
98d28c the holy hand grenade
a81234 -sweeps dust off hoodie- well if it isnt...wait who the fuck are you? and how do you know my name?
7639c2 Uh wut (Ariel)
6dc9d4 go commit mcdonalds
9b408c *c'mon someone cheer her up!)
71b616 im steven (the yellow guy) and hes droid (blue) hes my brother
f455be you there, skeleton. you made that bill sprite i used. thank. i have new sprite now. can you make it good for me?
00c8a2 well if it isnt Karma...
7639c2 The one you called "White Outline Person" (aka Terrie) is really good. He made this for me.
a81234 -jumps out of portal- AH! i-im back! hell ya! i knew that old trick would work!
9b408c *she wasn't listening to anyone*
f455be sad