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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
9c45ea srry goopi
5b2f3e i'm just Akira's remains...
649be6 I don't look like TheOdd1sOut. :( And my name is Goopi. :(
9c45ea a present...for me? :D
95be89 -In her own personal void-
fe30e2 A nightmare f.a.b.l.e
fedf74 *gives M a piece of toast* a present for you
9c45ea also who's the guy that looks like TheOdd1sOut?
05b0c1 *Uses the cat ability of being able to go anywhere to get to Loli* What's the matter?
5b2f3e bro? you DO realise Jibanyan (or Rudie) didn't run in front of a truck for no reason..... he did it to save amy
90896a T... if you want to drop that identity, that can be the last time I use that name. But I want you to know something. You're a good per-- a good soul. Your mistakes do not change that, no matter how bad they may have been. Let no one tell you otherwise. Nobody is perfect, after all.
9c45ea still neglected
649be6 Okay Derp, now time for me to add M. :)
d0e07a Untitled
5b2f3e especially you DM......
9c45ea okay now i feel neglected
fedf74 ok
95be89 -In her own personal void-
05b0c1 I have common sense, I'm not gonna run out in front of a truck.
9c45ea OOh yay adora doesn't have shadow eyes
05b0c1 Also, go for the T remix.
5b2f3e let us hope you don't meet Jibanyan's same fate....
4b1ba8 toxic waste boss.PNG
c8bb2d *lonely* theyres nothing to do here anymore
05b0c1 Mew. *He activates the stone so everyone can hear* I was trying to become a Yo-kai, CV. That's why I'm a cat meow.....I MEAN NOW! FUCK!
a53442 . . .
fedf74 i am happy now
4b1ba8 toxic waste boss
9c45ea Guy who edited me that is not cool. I know hate you
5b2f3e or you won't be like us
95be89 DM? He`s a Dungeon Master! D&D! Also I`m not roleplaying... Just doing OOC, talking!...
5b2f3e heh..... at least YOUR ALIVE T
05b0c1 *He jumps on Adora's head and lies down*
fe30e2 Three boiz chillin
05b0c1 Oh yes, I suppose they followed suit and became cats as well, great. Shadow is called "Darkened Midnight", or DM for short.
9c45ea Isn't T the guy that says TURBO all the time or something...
61bfac i am...happy? Yes...happiness! I feel free!! spically since i got these lips
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!