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95be89 Compare the cast...
a81234 and chris!
618522 Sans (Head)
6d74d1 This is going to be the wall of Mario's. And, I gotta get rid of Titanic Mario because... HE IS NOT ART HE IS JUST STOOPID
a81234 oh heya foxlinn!
90896a I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm working on a little side project.
6d74d1 Why is that?
a81234 anyone here?
ebbaec Person2
6d74d1 Don't see anybody on rn.
b4ad6c candy wip
a068fd Sonic Mania Modern Sonic
27d79d Red carper
ebbaec Person
ab8281 deltarune jevil
5428e2 Kurume Endou
6b1928 hi there
7705cf Christmas penis
a4a5e7 doorOpen
a4a5e7 doorClosed
53a360 Slashes SS Asriel *
53a360 Slashes SS Asriel *
5d0cb6 heh EVERYONE -grabs a penis-
53a360 Slashes SS Asriel *
53a360 Underswap Frisk : I will IP you soon
5d0cb6 Minetale Creeper Sprite Penis
53a360 Asriel : Who is going to win / Underswap Frisk : I hate editors
5693d2 you CAN!
5b70dd Minetale Creeper Sprite
53a360 and i did an curse image =)
53a360 what are you going to do =)
bffd7f Huh?
c8bb2d *picks up frisk and yeets them*
8c52fc Untitled
a81234 -takes hit- christ...that wasnt expected...-takes book out of hoodie- christ...and people say books are lame...
53a360 glitches to frisk *
618522 Sans (Head)
53a360 glitches to chara then strikes karma 2 times *
a81234 -uses magic to pick them up- no killing...bad toddler...
a81234 -blocks- ya no...