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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
f7c573 Untitled
a9de5a Pink Turtle Walk Cycle 6
f7c573 Untitled
95be89 Doesn`t matter, anyway... I`ll just make matters worse, for myself...
90896a Proto, don't encourage him.
a9de5a Pink Turtle Walk Cycle 5
a9de5a Pink Turtle Walk Cycle 4
be82ba You do realize you probably have it better than some people here, right?
a9de5a Pink Turtle Walk Cycle 3
a9de5a Pink Turtle Walk Cycle 2
95be89 My own emotional, unstable mind keep fucking me over, with anyone I know... Yet... I`ll stop...
c22c88 The Hollow Knight - K.Vargas
a9de5a Pink Turtle Walk Cycle 1
be82ba It is good day to be back, Pardner.
95be89 Yet, this is also why I wanna, quit the talking and roleplaying stuff...
aac378 Sonic & Tails: Friendship Heart Havoc - Normal, Dark & Hero Chaos
be82ba But I think I wanna revive one of them...
a9de5a All Pink Turtle Walk Cycle
95be89 As what my school still drills within my head is "Treat others how you want to be treated!", yet for me... Your treat me like trash I`ll treat you the same...
be82ba The main reason I killed off four characters was because of you.
95be89 You all treat me like shit as much as well... I treat you all the same...
90896a Fine, TL;DR. You shouldn't have talked to Boarder like that. This is why you get hate. This is why I hate you.
95be89 And well... I once said something, before... "Sometimes it`s always better to just let someone who is angry, just run themselves out, with the shit they need to say, and they will be a better person since they got a lot of hate off their back!, Yet you getting mad back only makes matters worse..."
90896a Of course. I forgot I type too much for your petty liking.
be82ba All I heard from Terrie;s lasst sentence was "Forget having friends and being a normal nice person, I'll just be a binch to everyone because I can"
95be89 Forget paragraphs... This is why I love how I can ignore properly...
76eb0e sav...
76eb0e Okie, i go sleep now. Nighty night humans and stuff.
ec100e Blank Sprite
95be89 I don`t have the time to read all that...
90896a And as for you, Justin. Yeah, I'm talking to the guy behind the screen now. Don't fucking disrespect him with your "facts are bullshit" bullshit. You claim to have the worst life ever, but Boarder has been through a lot as well. The difference between you and him? He's doing something to solve his problems while you bitch and moan online. So don't act like you're better than him or anyone else here, ya got me? I'll admit ignoring you is a damn challenge, but right now I'm determined to do it right. You don't disrespect someone like that, especially not someone as kind and precious as BD.
95be89 If I own this, I can choose what gets to be here... As mine is the canon, one... So here`s the new list...
aac378 Sonic Forces - Infinite exe- By APLAWESOME
fe30e2 . . gendebent goopi put some clothes on
76eb0e Is LG gone for sure now???
90896a Good night, Boarder!
fe30e2 . . .idk what lamp guy did but he better not try it again.....
95be89 I`m going back to my own work...
95be89 Still don`t care...
752b4c Fun fact. When people are told a truth they don`t desire to hear, they`ll get pissed. See you all tomorrow. And good night GLG. Night Chris.
be82ba I am going to make a mask off sprite.... soon.
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!