Seems like i have to use my actual character again for people to fucking listen, WHO THE FUCK REUPLOADED THE OMNIPOTENT SANS WITHOUT CREDITING ME?

Seems like i have to use my actual character again for people to fucking listen, WHO THE FUCK REUPLOADED THE OMNIPOTENT SANS WITHOUT CREDITING ME?

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Description: List of things to make: Make LITERAL REVERTSWAP (Revertswap but it's literally Underswap Sans as Sans Undertale) AND MAKE ALL THE SPRITES FOR UNDERTALE: DISROTTEN. Currently making: Tales Of Danger (REMASTERED)

CREATOR ID: f0c136
VIEWS: 160
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Ok last message, fuck you stellar that took time to make and the 1st response i get is "is someone trying to impersonate allan?" no im leaving for real bye.

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