Floor 5, The Abyss - Enemy Info.

Floor 5, The Abyss - Enemy Info.

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Description: Drops: Warped Ruby (60% Chance from Tortured Souls) Glowing Tooth (38% Chance from Abyssal Serpents) Revealing Eye (10% Chance from Abyssal Serpents) Beast Tongue (40% Chance from Cursed Monoliths) Ancient Shard (80% Chance from Cursed Monoliths) Healing Orb (100% Chance from Orb Mimics) Eye of the Mimic (100% Chance from Orb Mimics) Giant Revealing Eye (50% Chance from Walls of Corruption) Corrupted Veins (2% Chance from Walls of Corruption) Soul of the Damned (1% Chance) Kaleidoscope Fragment (95% Chance) Chaos Fragment (100% Chance) Essence of Corruption (50% Chance) - Crafting: [Once a Cursed Monolith is defeated, the curse will subside, and you will be allowed to craft items using enemy drops.] (Still Deciding.) - Enemies: Tortured Soul - Lv 40-50 - "An unfortunate soul ventured down here... they've been consumed by the Abyss, and will devour all who cross its path." Cursed Monolith - Lv: 38 - "A Monolith that's, well, cursed. It has consumed countless adventurers that have came before you." Abyssal Serpent - Lv: 55-60 - "The Abyss itself gave a serpent consciousness. It will not hesitate to drag even those it sees as friends into the floor." Orb Mimic - Lv: 60 - "Choose wrong, and you'll have to face the fury of a very angry mimic." Wall of Corruption - Lv: 65-70 - "Your path will be blocked until this beast is slain."

CREATOR ID: a2471d
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Floor 5, The Abyss - Enemies

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