Baldi's Basics : Baldis Tale of Underground Math. - baldi. Sprites! -DRY!Sans (cleetus.) (LS!Cleetus) (SUDDEN SCREAMS!Cleetus)
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Description: I made this sprite because nobody else was making the original balditale baldi sprite so here. and also heres dialouge if u care. *oh, hi. *took you a bit. *i guess math isnt your thing. *now that theres nobody to help me put you into detention.. *nobody to even talk or see me.. *what do i do? *i really cant just punch you. *even slap you with my ruler.. *so i got a question.. *do you think that math students are ok if they just get 1 question wrong? "Jumps Rope" *alright, fine, mr rope girl. *heres a better question, not sticked with math... *D O Y O U K N O W W H A T I S 0 D I V I D E 0 I S ? *because if you jump over the rope 1 more time... *you will regret coming into this school. "Jumps Rope" *welp, this is why i didnt even like math. "FIGHT START" *its an unanswerable question of a day, *students are learning... *bullys are blocking... *janitors are sweeping... *on a new summer like this... *students of this classroom, just like you.. *S H O U L D R U N W H I L E T H E Y C A N oh and btw heres the theme for it :3 :
CREATOR ID: | 8597b0 |
VIEWS: | 204 |
AGE: | 3 years old |