I learnt some new info... And well... Thanks to it..... I have the will to finally leave this god forsaken site for good..... To never return... To not even use this damn thing to make art or redraw... Cause well... "It`s not the site that needs to be fixed... It`s the community that needs to be fixed..."

I learnt some new info... And well... Thanks to it..... I have the will to finally leave this god forsaken site for good..... To never return... To not even use this damn thing to make art or redraw... Cause well... "It`s not the site that needs to be fixed... It`s the community that needs to be fixed..."

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Description: . . . D E S C N O T A V A I L A B L E . . . | | Original sprite by Derp...

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: https://lingojam.com/StandardGalacticAlphabet

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator