no problem,a6dace!and just know that if you decide to change anything in the name or backstory,feel free to!and you wanna know what the funny thing is?i wasn't even using my brain when i made that story up!it was just one of the thousands of stories that i mind can just mass-produce for no reason.and thanks for the compliment!i don't often get out of my own channels very often because people think my stories and/or character's are "cringe",or "godmoding",but this time,i can make an exception.and call me sg,if you want.

no problem,a6dace!and just know that if you decide to change anything in the name or backstory,feel free to!and you wanna know what the funny thing is?i wasn't even using my brain when i made that story up!it was just one of the thousands of stories that i mind can just mass-produce for no reason.and thanks for the compliment!i don't often get out of my own channels very often because people think my stories and/or character's are "cringe",or "godmoding",but this time,i can make an exception.and call me sg,if you want.

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CREATOR ID: cde35d
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: what,you can't?its not me,its my imagination just constantly spitting ideas out!why else do you think i have so many characters?

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