yeah, my social skills are a little under decent, if it werent for my f-ing adhd and other bull crap, i could just talk normally to people, and when I do want to talk, I either cut someone off, or people just ignore me, if my pc wasnt broken, my social skills would be better because I usually practice them on like roblox or mc java. - landon

yeah, my social skills are a little under decent, if it werent for my f-ing adhd and other bull crap, i could just talk normally to people, and when I do want to talk, I either cut someone off, or people just ignore me, if my pc wasnt broken, my social skills would be better because I usually practice them on like roblox or mc java. - landon

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Description: error sans credits:the guy that makes ut au and fnaf character sprites cuz idk hiz name

CREATOR ID: ae7706
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: BRO IVE BEEN TRYING TO TALK FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES NOW!!!!!11!1 I KEEP ON GETTING SERVER ERROR!! but oreo, personally I dont know you well, but I guess its mutual, - ST PATTY!ERROR!sans (Landon)

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