this looks great so far! also i not gonna use this alot but I WILL use it its just cause i really like the origonial sprite so....yeah sorry also make sure to add the scar and the ears-rainbowfox2011

this looks great so far! also i not gonna use this alot but I WILL use it its just cause i really like the origonial sprite so....yeah sorry also make sure to add the scar and the ears-rainbowfox2011

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Description: original: remade by dream bonnie if you want to edit, plz ask for permission first. sans / hp:1/1 / weakest monster in the under ground/ likes puns. / papyrus brother / weapons: gaster blasters and bones / has blue magic

CREATOR ID: 401102
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: well i gave him shoes, and im working on the hair, sorry if it looks bad - withered bonnie

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator