Sorry if this sounds too similar to normal madness but uhh funni TerrorMadness Lore Canonized in Description

Sorry if this sounds too similar to normal madness but uhh funni TerrorMadness Lore Canonized in Description

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Description: Terror after a extremely long fight killled Dust, he was for once filled with joy, but he felt something was off, he looked back at where Dust is, Terror saw Dust reaching for the reset button, Terror tried to stop Dust, but Terror didnt succeed, Dust reseted the world, Terror thought he was prepared to fight against him, but then disaster struck, when Dust came back, Dust was a literal gigantic beast, Terror tried to kill Dust, he failed, so Terror resorted to using his Insane Personality, but that failed aswell, Terror had to flee, so Terror fled, but something was happening, Terror was switching from Insane to Chill every minute or so, it got to the point of Terror scrathing out his eye goop asking for it to stop, so it did, Terror was confused as he couldnt go insane anymore, Terror felt as though something was behind him, Terror looked back to see a copy of him but with Terrors eye goop still there, Terror noticed he has proper emotions again and could feel pain again, he tped away, the copy was alone with only a limited suply of HUMAN MEAT and BLOOD, 3 Years Later, the Copy ran out of food, the copy started to eat his own bones and even his clothes, 97 Years later, he went completey insane, he thought he would call himself Terrorized Hysteria, Hysteria tped around, looking for Terror, Hysteria eventually found him and tortured the hell out of Terror, Terror managed to escape, Terrorized Hysteria wonders around looking for his puppet

CREATOR ID: f34aea
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Terror Sans

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