Twistraction - By @VCookies100 (SAL)

Twistraction - By @VCookies100 (SAL)

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Description: Twistraction is a strange creature, nobody knows for sure if she is a human or not, part of her body is sharp and stiff, and the other part is soft and lax. Her body can bend in ways that shouldn't bend, but for the most part, her body bends correctly. Twistraction is neither good or bad, she only does what she feels like doing, just as long as you convince her to join your side, she knows whats right or wrong, but doesn't care. Twistraction can bend objects and living creatures as much as she pleases. Twistraction is a bipolar type and often gets into her way. Her face is always yellow/blue, it doesn't change. I based her design off of paintings that are abstract, an example of this could be a lot of Pablo Picasso's artwork. I tried to keep one side of her body dark colored and have cool colors, and the other side with warm bright colors, I tried to keep a strange color pallet with her to kind of keep the feel abstract feel to her design while keeping an humanoid body. I got the idea to create her because I remembered a painting I did in 6th grade that was entirely based off this sort of art style, and that painting sucks compares to the stuff I do now, even just remembering it I just remember it being crap. I purposely made her legs kind of strange, messing with her anatomy a bit, and I purposely made her arms look stiff. Do not take this pixel art and claim it as your own, do not recolor it and do not edit it, Thank you. -@VCookies100 (SAL)

CREATOR ID: f7c573
VIEWS: 403
AGE: 4 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator