killerhate sans lore belike

killerhate sans lore belike

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Description: sans makes the deal with chara and begins killing everyone. on their 30th reset sans gets captured and put into jail and for 2 years sans stayed there. while he was in jail sans began to hate himself, and everyone else even his friends and brother eventually sans breaks out of prison with his hands and begins to kill everyone in sight the underground was completely empty. sans found chara and killed them and put there soul in a soul capsule. he got the other souls and put them into the dt extractor and injected all the dt into himself. he changed his clothes and made a mask to hide his monstrous face. he went onto the surface and summoned a blaster and destroyed mount ebott making sure so one knew of its existence he then went onto the surface and went on another killing spree. he finally succeeded... he finally destroyed human and monster kind. he built a miniature dt extracter that he wore on his back and put all the human souls into it and injecting himself with all the dt. tho the hatred for himself never went away as it became a different entity. now the entire surface is empty only filled with dead trees and animals. sans became bored and eventually figured out how to make a portal to other aus... now the real fun begins. LV 99999999. stats. 9999 def 9999 atk killerhate take by me

CREATOR ID: 2b8ecf
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: sans overworld sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator